In this video, we guide you through creating a new inspection template in MYBOS. We demonstrate how to set up different types of inspections, build out areas, add items to be checked, and save templates.

  1. Accessing Inspection Templates

    • Go to the Building section in MYBOS.

    • Click on Inspections.

    • Under the "Inspection Template" tab.

  2. Creating a New Template

    • Click on the "New Template" button on the top right.

    • Set up the inspection name and type (common - if it is for common areas of the building or private - if the inspection is for apartments within the building).

  3. Building the Template

    • Enter the area name and click Add Area

    • Enter items to be checked within each area and click Add Item.

    • Once completed click Save Template

  4. To Edit Inspection Templates 

    • Under Inspection Template, hover your mouse over the inspection you need to edit and select the Edit Pencil

    • The inspection name and inspection type can be changed. 

    • Use the Edit Pencil icon to open fields to make adjustments to the text, click on the green tick to save. 

    • Reorder inspection templates by areas, you can drag and drop to adjust. 

    • Click on Update Template to save changes. 

  5. Accessing and Completing Templates

    • Inspection templates can be completed via the web or MYBOS BM app.

    • Through the web you can view in progress and completed inspections. 

  6. Managing Templates

    • If you tick next to a inspection template you can export to excel, archive or delete. 

    • If you have archived a template you can restore it from under Building > Archive > Inspections > Tick the inspection template > Click on Restore. 

    • If you delete an inspection template this is completed deleted and there is no option to restore.