1. Uploading Invoices (Under Cases)

    • In the cases section, you can upload invoices by entering the amount, invoice number, and linking the company.

    • Attach a copy of the invoice and save.

    • When marking a case as completed, the invoice is pushed into the invoice approval section.

  2. Invoices from Preventative Maintenance (Through Calendar > Select Event)

    • Invoices also feed in from preventative maintenance events.

    • Upload the invoice, save, and mark the event as completed to push the invoice into the approval section.

  3. Reviewing Invoices (Under Building > Invoice Approval)

    • Team members can review invoices by approving them individually or as an overview.

    • Invoices can be marked as under review or approved one by one.

  4. Sending Invoices for Approval (Under Building > Invoice Approval)

    • Invoices can be sent via email for further review before approval.

    • Include a subject description, attach the Excel file, and send it out.

  5. Approving Invoices (Under Building > Invoice Approval)

    • Recipients can mark invoices as approved either individually or in bulk.

    • Approved invoices move to the approved section for tracking.

  6. Reporting and Exporting (Under Building > Invoice Approval)

    • A history of all invoices is maintained in the platform.

    • Run reports to view invoices for specific date ranges and export them.

    • All invoice history is saved within the platform for reference.