Once you are ready to launch the resident portal, there are a few steps we recommend you check before inviting the residents.

  1. Community Settings: Navigate to Community > Community Settings.
  2. Activation Check: Ensure the Resident Portal/Mobile App status displays as "Activated" in green. Note: This action only activates the portal and does not notify residents of their login details.
  3. Feature Activation: Verify that all the required options to be available to the residents are toggled on under Feature Activation and you have already completed updating the settings for each feature in the Community. 
  4. Email Templates: Review the resident email templates located under Settings > Email & Template Options > Residents. This includes the notification email that will be sent when you invite the residents. 
  5. Manage User Accounts: Navigate to Community > Community Settings > Go to Manage User Accounts.
  6. Inviting Residents:
    1. Tick all the users you wish to provide access to.
    2. Click on "Invite User Accounts" to send the New Resident Account Notification to selected users.
    3. Please see link to how to video - Inviting Residents to MYBOS 
    4. Below are the different resident account states: 
      1. Inactive: Residents who have not yet received a new resident account notification.
      2. Invited: Residents who have been sent a new resident account notification but have not logged in yet.
      3. Active: Residents who have logged into the resident portal.
  7. Resident Usage Report: Utilise the Resident Usage Report to view residents' last login dates and login frequency.

Below are some helpful documents and videos that can be shared with the residents of the building on the resident portal: