Please edit and use this email template in the V3 MYBOS Broadcast System to inform residents about the upcoming migration from V3 to V4.

Subject: Exciting Upgrade Incoming: Welcome to Your Enhanced MYBOS Resident Experience!

Dear [Customer Name],

We hope this message finds you well. At MYBOS, we are constantly striving to enhance your experience and deliver superior service. We're excited to announce that your building is on the list to be upgraded to the new V4 MYBOS resident experience!

What's Happening?
The upgrade process is set to commence shortly, and it represents a significant leap forward in how you interact with MYBOS. The V4 MYBOS experience is designed to be more intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly, ensuring that you have the best possible tools at your fingertips.

Important Steps for You:
- Download New Apps: To continue enjoying MYBOS without interruption, you will need to download new applications or access MYBOS V4 through a new web link. These are designed to leverage the latest in technology advancements, providing you with a smoother and more responsive experience.
- Temporary Access Lock: Please note that your access will be temporarily locked, for a brief period during the migration process. We are doing this to ensure a seamless and secure transition to the new system.
- New Access Credentials: Upon upgrade completion, you will receive an email containing your new access links, username, and password. This email will guide you on how to claim your V4 Account, ensuring you’re quickly up and running with the new system.

What Do You Need to Do?
For now, there's nothing you need to do! your migration is planned for [date].  We will notify you with your new login details once it is complete.

We understand that change can bring questions, and we're here to ensure the process is as smooth and straightforward as possible. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [Email] or [ Phone Number]. We’re here to help!

Thank you for your continued support and for being a valued member of the MYBOS community. We’re excited to bring you this upgrade and confident you’ll love the new V4 MYBOS experience.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] 
[Your Position]