1.1.1       Introduction – Why should you use budget module?

The budget module is essentially the budget code management module. It operates at a code level. Budget codes managed here can be linked to the invoices you receive and approve. If you are not using Building > Invoice Approvals module, it is recommended to maintain budget heads here.

1.1.2       How to create a new budget code or budget head?

1.       Click the Building menu item on the left and then click the Budget tile to open the list of budget codes.
2.       Press the New button in the right corner above the list to open budget code entry form.
3.       Insert budget code, descriptive name, commencement date, end date, value and description. Press Save to finish.

1.1.3       How to search and edit or delete a budget code?

1.       Click the Building menu item on the left and then click the Budget tile to open the list of budget codes.
2.       This list is sortable by budget code, name, commencement date and budget value. You can also type the budget code or name in the search box to find the code you are looking for.
3.       To edit a budget code:

a.       Click the checkbox at the left end of the budget row.
b.       An edit (pencil) button appears at the top, next to the export (X) button.
c.       Click the edit button to view the budget code details.
d.       Press Save to finish.

4.       To delete a budget code:

a.       Click the checkbox at the left end of the budget row.
b.       An delete (trash) button appears at the top, next to the edit (pencil) button.
c.       Click the delete button.
d.       A confirmation dialog will appear. Press OK to finish.
e.       Note: Budget codes are linked to invoices. Deleting a linked code may affect invoice records in the system. Please contact MYBOS Support for more details.