1.1.1       Introduction – When should you use parcels?

If you are managing parcels received for your community, you should definitely use the parcels section. With MYBOS, you can record incoming parcels, send out notifications for the community members for picking up their parcels, and finally record delivery with receiver’s signatures.

1.1.2       How to record an incoming parcel?

1.       Click the Parcels menu item on the left. The parcels list will open.
2.       Click the Add Parcel button at the top right. A popup form will appear.
3.       Select apartment, enter parcel ID, mention type, mention location and select recipient.
4.       Selecting the recipient displays recipient information box. Here you can select whether you want to send email or SMS notification, or both.
5.       In the staff list at the top right side of the form, you can select the staff name. This is particularly handy when you are using concierge accounts, which are generally shared by all staff members.
6.       Default notification text is already displayed. You can customize it to suit your needs.
7.       Press Save to finish.
8.       When you press Save, your selected notifications will be sent to the recipient and the new parcel will be displayed at the bottom of the list.

1.1.3       How to search for a parcel?

1.       Click on the Parcels menu item on the left to view the parcels list.
2.       The incoming parcels are shown by default. You can choose to view delivered or deleted parcels by using the filter selector at the top left, next to the export (X) button.
3.       The parcels list is sortable by apartment, recipient name, date received and parcel ID.
4.       You can also search the parcel by typing in apartment number, recipient name or parcel ID in the search box at the right side, just above the parcels list.
5.       Click into a parcel row to view its details.

1.1.4       How to send out a parcel notification?

1.       Find your parcel (see How to search for a parcel) and tick the checkbox on the left of the parcel row.
2.       A ‘Send Notification’ button will appear above the table header. Click this button to open the notification form.
3.       Select whether you want to send an email or SMS notification or both.
4.       In the staff list at the top right side of the form, you can select the staff name. This is particularly handy when you are using concierge accounts, which are generally shared by all staff members.
5.       Default notification text is already displayed. You can customize it to suit your needs.
6.       Press Save to finish.

1.1.5       How to delete a parcel?

1.       Find your parcel (see How to search for a parcel) and tick the checkbox on the left of the parcel row.
2.       A ‘Trash’ button will appear above the table header.
3.       Click this button to open the confirmation dialog
4.       Press OK to delete.
5.       Upon deletion, parcels are categorised as Deleted. You can view them by using the filter selector at the top.

1.1.6       How to issue a parcel out?

6.       Search for your parcel (see How to search for a parcel) and click to view its details.
7.       Enter or update the recipient details.
8.       Check whether you have seen or verified the ID.
9.       You can also capture the receiver’s signature in the signature box using either a signature pad or a tablet.
10.   Press Save to finish.

1.1.7       How to add parcel type?

MYBOS provides different parcels types. You can add more types in Building > Categories section. See How to create a category for details.