Date of release: 11 October 2021
Component affected: MYBOS Web App > Residents module

BM users are now able to add a Move In/Move Out information with a resident's record.
This can be added with creating a new resident manually within the Residents module or editing an existing resident's details.

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In the event that a resident information needs to be archived, ie. the resident is moving out of the property, this will be an additional pop-up in the Archive action, still within the resident's record.

eg. tick the resident record, then click Archive.
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A confirmation box will appear. Click OK to proceed.
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The next pop-up requires you to supply this resident's Move Out date:

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You can opt to set it to the date today, or a date in the future, and then click OK. Clicking on Skip will leave this field blank.

Users can refer to this information in the Building > Archive screen, and search for the resident of concern:
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