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1. To get started, please select RESIDENTS from the menu bar:
2. This module will display all contact information within your property
3. You may search for a contact via the Search Bar below:
4. You can also download the residents information by selecting all entries and then click on the Excel icon:

Creating A New Resident


To create a new Resident, click on the "New Resident" button shown below:
You will need to select ana apartment in which the resident resides:
If the apartment number doesn't exist yet, you can scroll to the bottom of the dropdown menu and select "New Apartment":
Add in the new apartment number in the field below and click Save
You have an option to upload a photo for the resident. This will also appear as thumbnails when viewing the Residents Module.
You can select the resident type in the section shown below. There are 2 default types which are Tenant or Owner. You can also add a custom Resident Type in the 1st page of the Residents module:
Click on the Add New section in the dropdown menu to add a new Resident Type:
Enter the Resident Type name below and click Save


You can enter the desired username and password for the login details of the resident in the fields below or you can just simply click on the Generate Username or Generate Password field for a quick autogenerated login info.
If you have an existing Custom Groups in your broadcast recipient list, you can assign the newly added resident in the broadcast group through the dropdown option below:
13. After adding in all the resident information, click the Save button to apply the changes.



Updating an Existing Resident's Information

To Edit a resident info, click on the name of the resident:
15. You will be redirected into the apartment in which the resident belongs. Click again on the resident name and a pop up window will appear:
16. From this popup window, click on the Pencil icon to edit any information for this resident:

Owner Investor

You can also convert a resident into an Owner Investor by clicking the button below:
If the owner investor decides to reside in the apartment, you can revert the person back as a resident by clicking on the reverse icon below:
A confirmation message will popup and click on Confirm to proceed:
You can also add an Owner investor by clicking on the + button on the Owner Investor section below:
21. A pop up window will appear and you can fill in the Owner Investor's information and click Save.

Managing Agents

You can add the Managing Agent for this unit by clicking on the + button on section shown below:
Fill in the Managing Agent information and click Save.



View by Apartments

In the Resident Module, you can change the view into Apartment blocks by clicking on the Apartment button. You can also filter the apartments via the dropdown menu shown below:
If the apartment owner is residing in the unit itself, you can toggle off the Investment button and it will hide the Owner Investor and Managing Agent field: